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Ladies of St. Ann's

Prayer of Our Lady of Good Counsel

O Lord of Heavenly Wisdom

who has given us your own Mother Mary to be our guide and counselor in this life,

grant that in all things that we may have the grace to seek her maternal instruction

and to profit by it in humility and love. 

O Mother of Good Counsel, Patroness of the National Council of Catholic Women,

help us to understand and fulfill the mind and will of your divine son, Jesus Christ. 

Under the blessing of the Father and by the power of the Holy Spirit,

may we be responsible and intelligent daughters of the church. 

May we labor in the spirit of renewal to realize more perfectly the kingdom of God,

here below, as the only true preparation for our share in the Kingdom of Heaven,

and may we in all we do or say,

be filled with the same love of God and neighbor

that flows from your own immaculate heart.



As a member of St. Ann’s you are automatically a member of the Ladies of St. Ann’s.


  • There are no yearly dues, but participation is essential for our organization to function at its best.  We are all in one group.

  • The group will work at the Fall Festival and any other large fund-raisers or social affairs.

  • Please notify the Sunshine Committee (Rita Frenzel), if you know someone who is ill, so a card can be sent.

  • Please remember when bringing food for a potluck, to bring enough for your family plus two more people.

  • Remembers, your St. Ann’s neighbor is only a phone call away.  Please let us call others to share rides to meetings and gatherings.

  • Mass is offered for all living and deceased members, once per month on a weekend Mass.

Yearly projects:

January – elections

February – Confirmation (potluck)

March – Food Shelf Month – cash preferred

March/April – Fish Fries

May – Graduation (potluck)

June – Rummage Sale

July 19 – St. Ann’s Day

September – Fall Festival

October 31 – Trunk or Treat

December – St. Nick’s Party

Honorary Members of the Ladies of St. Ann's

Lucille Dockendorf
Lillian Notsch
Betty Reiplinger


President Kari Slindee               218-766-2918

Secretary Julie Engberg            218-407-5860

Treasurer Diane Bennett           835-7807 or 218-256-7501

Sunshine Rita Frenzel                835-6671 or 218-766-4200

Publicity Diane McKean            835-4247 or 218-333-3901





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